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Projects for 2024

Here is a short look at the vision for 2024.  All in addition to the everyday ministry and upkeep of the ministry center.



The Borehole Project

 A Water Well is needed and the Lord has given us the place for one.  Open Door is centrally located between two small villages to which the Lord has given us to minister.

There is currently no access to clean piped water to homes. The nearest water source is a muddy river where they spend hours to retrieve the water needed for their day.


Village Clinic

The nearest medical facility is an approximate 6 mile  journey.  With very limited transportation options, it is a challenge to get even minor medical needs met.  The local clinic has been closed for over a year with no prospect of reopening.



On Site Playground

In 2023 funding was given toward  the purchase of playground equipment.  We have identified a site and are now hoping to have it in place by the end of quarter 1.  

Project Total Cost -  550,000 ksh  ($3,875)

Given to date: 145,000 ksh  ($1000)

Remaining to finance:  405,000 ksh  ($2,850)



Staple Distribution

In late 2023 the Lord allowed Open Door to distribute on two different occasions, flour(unga) and cornmeal (maize meal), to families.  The response was incredible. We were overwhelmed with the need. The Lord has since impressed on us the need to continue the distribution consistently.  Our goal is to do a quarterly distribution of food staples.

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